Science: Genetics...

     In science, our most recent unit was genetics. Students learned about different types of reproduction, and more specifically what impact genetics has in who we are. Students studied the different types of genes and what those combinations would entail. The final project within the unit was creating a genetic child. Students had to match the father's genes with the mother's genes in order to determine what the child would look like. Finally, students had to create that child. They had a lot of fun in finding creative ways to portray the traits, choosing a name and designing an outfit for their genetic child. A common challenge for some of the girls was resisting the urge to create their ideal, "cute" child, instead of creating the child that was determined by the genes they were given. Below are some of the children that were created. 
*Please note: Names displayed in the photos are not real. These are the names chosen by the student who created the child.